
26 February 2010

H&M haul!

Just another quick post...i went shopping again today and bought a casual outfit for through the day. I wanted an outfit along the lines of the French Rivierva / Military style. I think what i got kind of fits into both! The top was only £3! Bargain! Teamed with a skinny skirt, some black spotty tights and a cute woven leather belt! Cant wait to wear it all!

I also picked up a couple more nail varnishes, as the first one i bought from there is now my favourite nail varnish that i own! So i went for Black, Purple and Blue.
The black isnt quite as shiny as the Barry M black, it has tiny tiny glitter in it. Very pretty. The purple is similar to a Barry M purple i have, but this is a lot nicer and a lot easier to apply! And the blue i just had to put on, i love it!

Oh and one more thing...this is me wearing the Mememe Poppy tint which is bought yesterday...I love it! Its such a nice soft pink colour and it really does stay put! I tried it last night too, i put two coats on and it was really nice, more of a night look though! Through the day is nice with one coat! Love!

1 comment:

  1. Have just come across your blog - girl after my own heart I've found here!
    I say this, as I bought that top in H&M too (although I think I've got a different colourway..), & I'm obsessed with nail varnishes. I LOVE your latest purchases - I've not tried H&M nail varnishes, so will definitely have to give them a go asap!


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