
1 February 2010

Lush times!

Me and my other half took a trip to town and whilst there i dragged him into lush. I love lush products, i love their shampoo 'i love juicy' and their facemask 'mask of magnimity' Both are great re-purchase items. Tho this time i was just browsing i ended up buying a few goodies!

The first thing i bought was 'The Soft Touch' Body butter...the smell is amazing! i picked up all the butters and gave them a good sniff but this one was the best for me! I didnt actually realise until i got it home that it is a hand butter but i use it for everywhere! The smell is unreal, i find that with most moisturisers and butters, their smells fade. Some people may like this but i dont, i love to know that i smell yumnmy! The butter itself is quite hard to apply i have found, you can either rub it a lot with your hands until it almost melts in your hands and then apply to body...or you can rub the bar actually where you want it, this hurts i must stress, especially on the arm hairs but the result is worth it! It left my skin so touchable and i was constantly smelling it through the day! I would highly recommend this product, however after picking up the others i found they were slightly 'meltier', though this could have been the bright lights in lush!

The second product i got was the 'Honey Bee' Bath Bomb. Again, i picked up and made my bf smell all the bombs!...this is the one we picked though there were some equally gorgeous ones! I havent actually used this yet but from the smell alone i know i am going to love it. You know the smell as soon as you walk into lush? This bomb is it! It has a slighty spicy smell to it, which i think will be gorgeous in the bath! the colours of the bomb are what drew me to it as well, they are so pretty!

Then i got one for me and my bf to share, The 'Blue Skies and Fluffy White Clouds' Bubble Bar! Quite a lengthy name but its a very big bar so it matches! I have tried the other realy big bar from here, 'The Comforter', and i loved it! it smelt so nice and i felt so relaxed using it in the bath! So...this one to me smells rather minty which i love, its a very fresh smell and i have used some of it and im in love. I am amazed at the amount of bubbles you get with these, but they really are bubbles in a bar! I have only tried these two but i will definately try the rest of the range!

As is normal in lush you usually get a wee freebie in your bag! This time i thought i hadnt because i really didnt see the guy put one in, but there it was in all its glory at the bottom of my bag!! I am definately going to repurchase this as a full size, as he only gave me a little slice! It is the 'Miranda' Soap. On first smell i was in love, which i have actually said about all these products i know, but, i am! Its a strong citrus smell with various other aromas that i dont know the proper names of! It leaves my skin feeling smooth, Lathers up nicely and after reading the lush website it contains ylang ylang which is said to firm the breasts! Very good selling poing for any product i think youll agree!! Its L.O.V.E it has to be said!

So there are all my goodies! My favouring is probably the honey ball in terms of smell, and the body butter in terms of overall product benefits! I was loving looking at their valentines products for this year! and their cute gift sets look exciting so...if i dont get one as a gift i will buy one as a gift! For myself! :)

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