
18 February 2010

Anyone for Tea Candle?

Whilst perusing the Laura Ashley website today, for project ideas, i came across some things which i have loved for a while since Kirstie Alsopps HomeMade Home programme! Candles set in vintage Tea Cups. She made these as an ammateur, like myself, and i thought they were so cute...i HAD to try it!...but i kind of forgot about it until now, So Laura Ashley has re-ignited this project for me and i am going to go about it with a sense of dedication!

Whilst shopping in local charity shops the other day i overheard a lady ask the shop assistant for 'any teacups or teapots, like that in the Mad Hatters tea party!' I was intruiged as to why she wanted these, and it turned out she getting married and this was her theme! How cute! and how tying in with the Alice in Wonderland film coming out!

These are some pictures i found of candle teacups. I think they are gorgeous and i hope to make some similar. I need to get myself down to hobbycraft and look out a candle making set!

How cute they look in egg cups too! I have three glorious days off so I will get started with this and post my progress in a few days! How exciting!

Lil x

1 comment:

  1. OMG! that is such a good idea!!
    I alwas save up all my used up candles for melting and doing stuff like this! now all I need are some cute cups!
    Yey! :D


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