
26 April 2010

A bag a day...

I am now producing around 1 bag a day, which for me is quite good! They only take an hour or so to make, and i really enjoy it!

Today i made a different style of bag, and i made it better...the lining isnt joined to the bag so there are no visible seams! It looks very professional if i say so myself!!

I have been looking online at woven labels, which i will buy on payday so i can have my own lilyribbons line :) How exciting!

I would love to be able to produce lots and lots of bags, sell them at craft fairs and online on!

I also want to explore nicer zips or zip charms to make the zips a bit prettier!! I love the yellow zip i used for this bag, i feel brighter zips are definately the way forward!

Oh and today i bought two co-ordinating ribbons! John lewis seems to have a new ribbon range, which got me rather excited! So expect my next bags to have a bit of detailing to them!

Hope you're all having a lovely day! :)


  1. aw that's so cute, you've got talent! :) x

  2. Oh thank you :) i think i finally have a hobby! x


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