
8 April 2010

The Magics in the Make Up Bag..

Today i made another make up bag. This one is a gift for my friend in England who i am visiting next week! I made it along the same lines as my previous bags, but this one is larger, uses more fabrics and tapers out at the bottom so you can fit more make up in!

I really like the effect of using different strips of fabric, though i wanted to add lace and buttons onto this one, i cant afford the extras this month so its plain this time! What do you think?

I know all my bags seem to be using all the same fabric recently, but i have just purchased three new fabrics from ebay for £1.65 each! They are so cute and over a metre squared. So i got myself a real bargain!

The shop i got these from is JaskWear, postage is 75p so you cant get much cheaper in my eyes!

I will be making bags with my new fabric when it arrives, so excited!!

I will also make a tutorial post on how to make a simple make up bag!


  1. That's really cute :D

    I made a make up bag for my textiles GCSE it was black and pink and had the words "Make Up Punk" stitched on, it was absolutely awful lol

    I do wonder what ever happened to it.

  2. Lol you should have kept it! Did you stitch on writing yourself? Id love to be able to do embroidery writing but i just dont think i have the patience!

  3. I love the bag you made - it's gorgeous - definitely something I'd pick up in a shop!

    Wish I had the patience (& of course, skill) to make things myself - but I really don't!

  4. Wow these are so pretty! Such a good idea :D x

  5. Oh thank you muchly :) These are basic ones, id like to create ranges with pretty names for each style. All with lace and ribbons and buttons! One can dream :) xx (Thats my xmas and birthday presents for my friends for the next few years anyway ;)


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