
24 May 2010

12 Questions Tag...

I have been tagged by the lovely Lauren at TheTiaraFits.

1.What shoe size are you?
UK 7 but i have one slightly smaller foot so thats nearer a 6 1/2! Very hard to buy shoes!

2.Where do you work?
For the next 3 days, in the main hospital in Aberdeen, but due to me moving i will as of next week be unemployed! Not for too long i hope!

3.Favorite piece of clothing you own
I love day dresses, my favourite is perhaps my topshop tea dress i got this year. Its on some of my blog pics, it brightens up any day and is quite a classic cut which really suits my shape.

4.Your favorite blog?
Goodness, no way i could choose! I check my google account everyday and read all the new posts, so im on top of everything you guys say! Keep up the good work!!

5.Do you have any pets?
I have had cats all my life! At one point we had 13 cats as my mum fostered them! I love cats, and now me and my bf have our own cat Jack :)

6.How many siblings do you have?
I have a sister Daisy and a brother Adam! though i dont see them much!

7.If you could live anywhere where would it be?
Portsmouth, and as of next week this will happen! Maybe when im there it will change to Australia but its good enough for me right now!

8.What were you doing before this?
About to go to bed before my nightshift tonight!

9.Your favorite food?
Probably Spaghetti Bolognaise! Though i love most foods especially nandos!

10.Do you have a middle name?
Yes it's Sarah.

11.Your favorite websites?
Facebook, ASOS, Mac, Youtube to watch make up tutorials, Ebay!

12.Who do you tag?

I tag..


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