
13 September 2010

Weekend Away...

I spent this weekend at my Dads house on the Isle of Wight. Unfortunately i wasnt there for Bestival, but just a bit of a break.

I stayed in a town called Ventnor, where there is loads of charity shops, and a very messy but cool fabric shop...View from the living room...spectacular!

Anyway here are my bargains from the weekend...

I bought three types of fabric. The first, light denim, i'd wanted for ages! Think it will look so cute with floral fabric on my bags! Or scented denim hearts with vintage buttons. I love it, and the piece it huge for £5!

Next i got a large sheet of calico, just cause! This comes in handy for anything! tote bags, cushions, oven glove fabric...list goes on. £2.50 a metre!

Lastly i found this really long kilt in a charity shop...£2. If i cut of the waistband and iron out all the pleats i'll have loads! I love it with the denim, and i might use it to line some bags, for scented hearts, or maybe just some decoration around a cushion or tea towels!

Bargains i think you'll agree!

Then i found this bag...£1 in a charity shop! Its a Next one, but i could pass it off as designer i think ;) Love!

And lastly, the woven labels i ordered arrived today! Yippee! I love them, Kinda wish the colours were different but for my first ones i think they're pretty cute! £11 for 36 labels which is about 30p a label? Bargain!

I will use one in the next bag i make!

If anyone knows where to get cheap but pretty labels, please let me know!

Im always on the lookout!


  1. I like that bag! & it's really cheap!

  2. Those labels are gorgeous! What a great idea :D x


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