
12 February 2010

Lip Service...

Today i needed to go shopping. This wasnt a self indulgent trip...this was a mission.
I needed to get my hands on something i had heard lots about. The product? Lush's Lip Scrub.
The past three days my lips have been dry, cracked and sore. They hurt when i eat and drink or or talk do anything! So like i said...I needed this product!

I was in lush anyway buying my other half a pressie for Valentines. I found the scrub and was immediately in love.

The smell is like sweeties and bubblegum and i LOVE it, its made of caster sugar and other lovely ingredients so it literally does scrub the skin better. It is edible...or at least i hope it is because it is IMPOSSIBLE to apply this and not nibble a bit! It costs £4.50 and i think this is a really good price as you literally need a tiny bit.

The other kinds were Mint (smells like after 8!) or Vanilla Chocolate. They were nice but not as good as Bubblegum.

So after having used this 3 times today my lips feel soft and full. The dryness hasnt completely gone but i think thats partly due to my lack of water drinking. The flakes have gone though, and the stinging when i licked them.

So i'd rate this 8/10. 2 points off because 1) I think i will eat it all in a week, and 2) It literally is like rubbing plain sugar into your lips, what would make it better in my eyes would be a slight jelly consistancy so that the sugar doesnt go eveywhere.

Apart from happy with my lip service :)

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