
8 February 2010

My Projects!

Ta Daa! At last i have finished my first Patchwork project! Quite a good little project, kept me occupied for a few weeks! I loved trawling ebay for squares of fabric! And even sneaked in a few of my own fabrics. It is quite a small quilt, probably good for a baby...or in my case my cat! He loves in and has claimed it as his own!

I have also been busy working away on these oven gloves! Only took me one evening to make...i love them! The pattern was from my Cath Kidston book, Sew! I used them yesterday to take my dinner out the oven and they work which is good! They are now pride of place hanging off my kitchen drawer!

One last thing...I eventually finished my scarf that i started before christmas! Its not AS long as id have liked it, but its my first ever scarf and i can wear it with pride! My second one is already started, this wool is so soft and lovely colour, i am using 9mm needles this time, hoping to get that chunkier look! Watch this space for the finished prodcut!

1 comment:

  1. Hey that scarf is so nice! I like the first scarf was quite unsuccessful, it was all uneven coz I kept missing/adding stitches! Haha I have improved though...!


    PS Thanks for following me! I'm so chuffed I was the first person to comment on your blog lol


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