
27 March 2010

30 Day Shred

So, i know theres been lots of reviews on this subject. But here is my own!

I am joining the bandwagon and trying out the 30 day shred. It is a workout DVD with a difference. And that difference is why i never usually buy or use workout DVD's...they are all far too long.
The 30 day shred is 3 levels of 20 minute workouts which combine fitness and weights. You begin on level one, stay on it for around 7-10 days and then move to level 2, do this for 7-10 days then level 3 and so on. It is led by Americas 'The Biggest Loser' Jillian Michaels.

I actually downloaded this, as i wanted to get started straight away. I have just completed my first day on level one and OH MY im unfit!!

I love it because it is only 20 minutes, and thats not 20 minutes with an added 10 minutes either side, its literally 20 minutes. Its very tough, but i love it and i feel amazing after my first go. I shall definately be doing this, everyday...i know this is easy to say but i hate going to the gym, and i have a very large living room so i have no excuse!!

I hate my arms and my tummy, and from the reviews ive heard it gives you nicely toned arms from the weights involved. And the sit ups should help my tummy! I dont actually own weights which is a bit of a problem, so i used...large pillar scented candles (hehe), so they werent nearly as heavy as they should have been but they smelled nice!!

I am probably the heaviest ive been in a LONG time! I dont weigh myself that often because theres really no point! But my goal is to lose around 1 1/2 stones. Id love to fit into those old jeans that literally wont go past my calfs anymore!

So i shall be posting about this regularly, i have taken 'before' pics which i would love to have the confidence to post, but im just not strong enough!! Perhaps after i will like the results and post some before and afters! I will also take measurements and post these up.
I will also try and drink lots of water and eat healthily. I lost a lot a weight a few years back on the Carol Vorderman Detox diet, probably about 2 stone and it really got noticed by everyone! (This was basically where i ate stir frys and hamemade soup...but it worked!!)

But from day one i feel very encouraged and ready to face day 2!!

Here are some photos which will help to motivate me, as i look slimmer in them! I was going to put up photos where i look larger too, but i dont think theres any need to embarrass myself :)
I realise i look slightly tarty in a couple, though these were a few years back when i was a student! But oh to be able to wear shorts again... :)

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