
27 March 2010

Home-made by me :)

Today is post heavy! I work shifts so my posts tend to be like buses, you wait and three come along at once

I love to make things, and recently ive been thinking about selling some of my wares on etsy or folksy. I think i need to create more of a portfolio though, so ive been trying out some new designs for make up bags. I hope to make lots of pretty bags, all individual and special.

I want to create some with ribbons and lace and pretty decorative touches, but money is tight at the moment so i shall have to use up what i have!

So today i made a large make up bag, which i will give to my sister as i promised i'd make her something! Its so easy to make, all you need is two different fabrics (one for the lining and one for the main colour), a zip, and some thread and a needle! or in my case a sewing machine, which really does speed up the making process!!

The inside is lined, as it makes the bag not only last longer and look cuter but also any make up residue will go on the lining, not the main fabric!

It fits lots of make up, so its perfect for travelling!

I will do a post on how to make one of these, if any of you are interested? and i will post some new ones soon and if you'd like to purchase one just drop me a comment and i shall make one for you!!

My cat Jack sat and watched me as i worked away

1 comment:

  1. Wish I was clever/patient enough to do things like this.
    I love the floral material - so pretty :)


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