I love Miss Dior Cherie. But cost wise, I hate it! £30+ for 30ml. Ridiculous.
I heard Next made a perfume that was said to be identical to it. I heard correct!
Introducing Next, Diamonds. Its fabulous, the bottle is pretty, and the best thing? 100ml...£12!! Bargain I think you'll agree!!
I cannot recommend this highly enough.
Next, you saviours you!

Another recent purchase is Maybellines Dream Satin Liquid foundation. I have tried a few brands of foundation recently, Mainly the Bourjois ones, but found them either really drying or really greastastic!
I find this a lovely balance, It doesnt grease, and it never dries funny. It is blendable, a perfect shade for my skin, and was on offer in boots for £6! Bargain!
Another find this month is Garniers Complete Cleansing Milk. I use this at night to remove all traces of make up. It works really well on removing my mascara (Collection 2000's Big Fake, which is notoriously difficult to remove).
The best feature of this remover, is how soft it leaves my skin afterwards. Its as if I've just cleansed, toned and moisturised all in one go! Its fabulous, and with such a decent sized bottle, I shall enjoy using this every night for a long time to come!