29 March 2010
30 day shred..day 3.
27 March 2010
Home-made by me :)
I love to make things, and recently ive been thinking about selling some of my wares on etsy or folksy. I think i need to create more of a portfolio though, so ive been trying out some new designs for make up bags. I hope to make lots of pretty bags, all individual and special.
I want to create some with ribbons and lace and pretty decorative touches, but money is tight at the moment so i shall have to use up what i have!
So today i made a large make up bag, which i will give to my sister as i promised i'd make her something! Its so easy to make, all you need is two different fabrics (one for the lining and one for the main colour), a zip, and some thread and a needle! or in my case a sewing machine, which really does speed up the making process!!
The inside is lined, as it makes the bag not only last longer and look cuter but also any make up residue will go on the lining, not the main fabric!
30 Day Shred
I am joining the bandwagon and trying out the 30 day shred. It is a workout DVD with a difference. And that difference is why i never usually buy or use workout DVD's...they are all far too long.
The 30 day shred is 3 levels of 20 minute workouts which combine fitness and weights. You begin on level one, stay on it for around 7-10 days and then move to level 2, do this for 7-10 days then level 3 and so on. It is led by Americas 'The Biggest Loser' Jillian Michaels.
I actually downloaded this, as i wanted to get started straight away. I have just completed my first day on level one and OH MY im unfit!!
I love it because it is only 20 minutes, and thats not 20 minutes with an added 10 minutes either side, its literally 20 minutes. Its very tough, but i love it and i feel amazing after my first go. I shall definately be doing this, everyday...i know this is easy to say but i hate going to the gym, and i have a very large living room so i have no excuse!!
I hate my arms and my tummy, and from the reviews ive heard it gives you nicely toned arms from the weights involved. And the sit ups should help my tummy! I dont actually own weights which is a bit of a problem, so i used...large pillar scented candles (hehe), so they werent nearly as heavy as they should have been but they smelled nice!!
I am probably the heaviest ive been in a LONG time! I dont weigh myself that often because theres really no point! But my goal is to lose around 1 1/2 stones. Id love to fit into those old jeans that literally wont go past my calfs anymore!
So i shall be posting about this regularly, i have taken 'before' pics which i would love to have the confidence to post, but im just not strong enough!! Perhaps after i will like the results and post some before and afters! I will also take measurements and post these up.
But from day one i feel very encouraged and ready to face day 2!!
Here are some photos which will help to motivate me, as i look slimmer in them! I was going to put up photos where i look larger too, but i dont think theres any need to embarrass myself :)
I realise i look slightly tarty in a couple, though these were a few years back when i was a student! But oh to be able to wear shorts again... :)
It finally Smells Like Spring...
Spring reminds me of many things, Daffodils, Washing the car in the sun, Long walks...and with the clocks going forward tonight, the nights will be a lot more lighter which i love!
I also love spring because you can see your make up in the light when you put it on! instead of having to use a lamp. And using bronzer to make you feel slightly more summery, even if we arent quite there yet!
So i was looking around my room on something to post on and it had to be these...

My perfumes old and new, sit on my chest of drawers and soak up the sun when it wants to shine. This is probably not go good for the perfumes, but the majority of them are empty anyway, I tend to buy more in Spring/Summer because thats when i feel you can really benefit from a good fragrance, instead of hiding it unerneath a coat or cardi.
I love to keep all the empty bottles from my perfumes, for sentimental reasons, as decoration, and also to remind me of which ones to repurchase.
From left to right, my perfumes are...
Givency, Absolutely Givency. (LE)
DKNY, Be Delicious.
Christina Aguilera, Night.
Valentino, Rock n Rose.
Gucci, Envy Me.
Christina Aguilera, (Day).
Calvin Klein, Euphoria.
Escada, Suset Heat.
Escada, Ocean Lounge.
Dior, Miss Dior Cherie.
Nina Ricci, Nina.
Vera Wang, Glam Princess.
And a small bottle of Dior, Miss Dior Cherie on the far right.
My HG scent would have to be the Miss Dior Cherie, its such a gorgeous scent that can be worn day or night. It lasts longer than most of the other scents on me, and it gets me compliments whenever i wear it!
I love fruity scents, and ones which are a bit different. I will definately be repurchasing Nina and i love all the Escada range, They all smell slightly sickly but i love this in summer, so i will try a few more of those. I love their bottles and even empty they brighten up my room!
Some other fragrances i'd like to own are Viktor and Rolf, Flowerbomb. Juicy Couture, Couture. And Armarmi, Diamonds (purely for the fact its fronted by beyonce).
Which are your favourite scents? Can you recommend and fruity numbers for me to try?
23 March 2010
Dolls House Miniature Jewellery
They are a necklace, ring or earrings with cute items on, such as a china teapot necklace or teacup earrings.
Seeing these made me think of my sister and her love her dolls house when she was younger. She would spend all her pocket money in the dolls house shop down the road. It occured to me that dolls house furnishings is the way to go. Rather than spending £15 on a necklace, make it myself!
So i go on ebay...and let my mind go, as i spy all sorts of cute items which would make a unique, yet very on trend, peice of jewellery!
Here are some of the treasures i found!...

Most of these items are under £2, and buy it now, so theres no bidding involved! Then all you'd need is an old chain or a thrifted one, and you will have a beautifully unique item of jewellery for a fraction of the price of the shop bought ones!!
I love this idea, and as my sister still has her old dolls house, im going to give the jewellery making a go!
Bombay Duck
I found this website through a morning of blog reading, whilst tucked up ill in bed.
I am in love with their cute door mats in particular, though im not quite sure i can justify £20 for something i wipe my feet on!

I also love this gorgeous candleabra!

...Their keyrings...

...and these rolls of ribbon! Usually a roll of pretty ribbon from John Lewis or somewhere is around £5 for a 2Metre roll! this set of four rolls (each roll 2m) is £6!! So thats 8m for £6! A beautiful bargain i think you'll agree!! And they come in various designs!

The website is http://www.bombayduck.co.uk/ and they have a mailing list, and catalogue which i cant wait to receive!!
20 March 2010
My Favourite Eye Brushes
BK34 Angle Stippler Blender £3.29, Crown Brushes.
IB110 Min Oval Smudger, £2.67, Crown Brushes.
IB116 Round Tapered Crease, £3.18, Crown Brushes.
Eyeshadow Brush, £8, The Body Shop.
275 Medium Angled Shading Brush, £17.50, MAC.
I highly rate the Crown Brushes, they are so soft and lovely to use, and THE PRICE! you cannot get better! I will be purchasing a lot more brushes from them, i especially love the badger series.
Florals and Hearts
I also have spent an afternoon creating these cute hearts, which i will turn into a pretty garland when i find the right string! I made them from some samples i had requested from various fabric websites! Yep...a homemade garland for free! I think theyre quite cute, and theres hundrds of them so it will look nice hanging over a mirror or something!
I also have two new additions to my Hanging Hearts collection!! A lovely rusty wire one, with pretty flowers created out of the wire. and a lovely wooden bead one. They lovingly hang my bedroom along with the rest, but i want to make them into a heart wall (like a plate wall but with hearts)!
Margots Misadventures...

It was a cat called Margot, but she was not your ordinary cat! I found her on Etsy, where i am a regular browser, and i knew my mum would love her! Shes so gorgeous, her cute bandage and ripped ear, and her own little story to accompany her. My mum loved her and when she came up to visit me for a few days she brought her along. I loved her too!
Margot was made by Lisa of LouLou and Oscar, you can find her blog here http://blog.loulouandoscar.com/. I am in love with her style of work and her Etsy shop is wonderful. I emailed her to say thank you so much for Margot and she very sweetly replied and was as lovely as i thought she might be!!
One day i hope to make lovely items to sell on Etsy, but for now i shall make do with admiring other peoples works!
Bumpy Arms?

I did a bit of research on the internet and found out this isnt just me...its a condition called Keratosis Pilaris or KP. Its often referred to as chicken skin, because it covers your arms, legs, chest, face or stomach or anywhere else in litle red bumps. After researching this, i realised i no way had it as bad as other people. Some people get it so bad they need super strength creams from the doctors, but i dont think mine is that severe! It is a genetic condition, and i recently found out my mum and sister suffer from it quite badly too.
The condition is helped by exfoliation of the areas with gloves, loofas or sugar scrubs. I tried these but none seemed to work for me. I went to boots online to see if it had any products that might help me deal with this and behold, it did!!
I love The Sanctuary products, they smell great and really feel luxurious when using them. The product in question is the Microdermabrasion Body Renewal. On the boots website it said that this is to combat 'Chicken Skin'...i couldnt believe it! A product is out there that specifically helps to fight this condition! So off i toddled to my nearest boots and bought it.
It costs around £9, which some may seem excessive but if you compare it to a Body Shop butter at £12, then i think its quite reasonable!
I have never liked scrubs before as i find their density very poor and their particles either too big or too few. This is amazing in terms of density, its so thick and creamy, you rub it in and it feels smooth, but then after more rubbing (on dry skin) you get a very harsh gritty texture, i would describe the particles as 'micro tiny'...they are so small and you really feel like theyre working!! It smells like lemons and i LOVE citrus fragranced products!
All in all id give this product a 10/10 i really cant fault it!! Ive used it three times now, each time before a shower on dry skin i rub for around 3 mins on each arm and leg, until they are quite red but you can feel it working. Then i get in the shower and rub it off. I can honestly say my arms have never felt smoother, and hopefully my legs will follow suit! Afterwards i cover myself in my favourite moisturiser The Body Shop satsuma lotion! And the two scents leave me SUPER citrusy!!
Does anyone else suffer from this? What do you find helps?
4 March 2010
I Heart Ebay
There...ive said it!
I love ebay, it is part of my everyday routine, is that sad? I think so... but i dont care! I use it to buy silly things, things which i dont need or wont ever use, but i also use it to buy hidden treasures and great bargains!
I am also a seller, i like to sell clothes and shoes i no longer wear, to get some cash to spend on more things i probably wont use! But its all good fun. People really will buy anything on there. I sold some broken GHDS a year ago, i had the listing up for all of 30 seconds and someone (a guy!) bought them instantly! I think it was for around 30 quid which is good for something that wouldnt even turn on!!
I have been doing some ebaying recently, so i thought id share my purchases with you all!
Ok so first we have a lot of 34 zips...who knows why that number! But i figured, one zip from John Lewis or a craft shop is around £2...i got 34 really good quality zips for £3!! Inluding postage! Now thats a bargain, even if i never use them all!
I also bought a lot of Knitting Stitch books. Separately, on Amazon, these are retailing at around £20 per book...I got all three for £10!! I think that is amazing! I have been looking for a nice project with a variety of stitches, and what better way to learn them! Theyre full of gorgeous stitches which i can wait to try!
Here are some of my favourites...
I also bought this Benefit Dandelion blush. This retails at i think £23 in stores. I got it for around £8...HOWEVER...i think this may be a fake. It doesnt have any scent which i know from my Georgia blusher, Benefit blushers usually have. Also the colour isnt exactly right, if i remember correctly from seeing it in boots. Saying this, i still use it and love it!
Last but not least i got this dress. It is a topshop number, which i actually tried on in store and loved. (I also have this in a floral style, i have blogged about it in a previous post!). This one is a factory second which means there was probably a problem with it and therefor has no tags! But apart from that its fine! I love it! In store this was £45 if i remember rightly, I got it for £30...which ill admit isnt a MASSIVE saving, but for something i'll wear a lot and suits my body shape amazingly, its worth it!
A sneaky FOTD there!
Do you guys use Ebay? What are some of your favourite purchses??